Wednesday 14 October 2015

Touch Rugby
Today we had Rory come in from Clutha Sport to teach us some Touch Rugby skills. Room 2 had a great time running around and playing the game. I have put up some photographs for you too see what we got up to.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Welcome Back To Term 4!!
Wow, another term is here and it's the last one for 2015. We have got a very busy term planned and Room 2 has already started practicing their dance for the production Pirates Versus Mermaids!
It sounds like everyone had a lovely break away with their families.
Keep checking in to see what we get up to this term in Room 2.
God Bless, Mrs McElrea and Room 2
Here is some of the amazing calendar art that Room 2 has created.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Here are some of the wonderful pictures that Room 2 created as part of our learning in Art. We used crayon, dye and coloured paper to create these wonderful pictures.

Cross Country
On Tuesday 11th August, Room 2 participated in the local schools cross country with Tokoiti and Milton primary.
The sun shone down and lots of family and friends turned out to watch us race. Room 2 had lots of wonderful results and all the children should be proud of their achievements.
Well Done.
Ready, Set, Go!
Holly crosses the finish line with Caitlyn close behind.
Sarah-Jane is running towards the finish Line!

God Bless, Room 2 and Mrs McElrea.

Term 3

Welcome back to another busy term in Room 2.
Room 2 has been very busy the last few weeks. We have been involved in lots of different sporting events including, basketball training with Rory.
The children have been busy practicing their skipping skills as we prepared ourselves for the Jump Rope For Heart skipathon.
The sun shone for our afternoon of skipping and the children were really impressed with how much they had improved, and we raised a generous donation for the Heart Foundation. Well done!
Some wonderful skipping from the Room 2 children.
We were lucky enough to have the Highlanders winning trophy visit our school this term. The children were very excited to see the trophy and pose for photos. GO THE HIGHLANDERS!
God Bless, Mrs McElrea and Room 2.

Thursday 18 June 2015

A visit from Richard and Gin.
This morning, Room 2 had a special visitor. Richard, Mrs McElrea's husband, brought Gin the new farm dog in to the classroom. Gin is only little, but when she grows up she will help Richard on the farm moving sheep. At the moment though, she just likes playing. We were very excited to meet Gin and she was happy to meet us too. Thank you Richard for bringing Gin in and showing her to us.

Meeting Gin was lots of fun

Gin was happy to get lots of pats.

God bless, Mrs McElrea and Room 2.

Monday 15 June 2015


Well done to all the children from Room 2 and St. Mary's school who participated in the Matariki celebrations in Milton on Sunday. The Kapa Haka group did a wonderful job representing our school.


People of the Pacific.

Flynn is looking at a fan from Samoa
On Friday we had some special visitors come to our school to talk to us about Samoa. We have been studying the People of the Pacific as part of a Social Studies unit. Our visitors talked to us about their home country Samoa and let us look and touch lots of different things that come from Samoa.

As part of our learning about these countries Room 2 has worked on some small projects and displayed these in the hall for the parents to view. I have included some pictures so you can see the wonderful work that Room 2 has been busy creating these last few weeks.
Here is Room 2's Amazing Display!
Our visitors show us how to open a coconut.

Some beautiful fans from Samoa.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Term 2

We are well into our second term of the school year and Room 2 is again hard at work. Our topic to begin this term has been People of the Pacific and we have been learning lots about the people who live in these different countries.
Pacific Art
Our Second type of Pacific Art

Room 2 is learning to use iPads as part of our Reading and Maths programmes. We are having lots of fun using the different Apps and learning new things as we go.

Great Work On the iPads

Daiha and Riley hard at work.

Holly is practicing her maths.

As part of our Words Alive writing programme, Room 2 did a piece of writing about what they want to be when they grow up. They then published their writing along with a picture of themselves. I have included some of the Room 2 children's pictures showing what they want to be in the future.

 We look forward to catching up with you again soon.
God Bless, Mrs McElrea and Room 2.

Friday 27 March 2015



Because Friday was our last day of swimming, here is some photos of the Room 2 children enjoying the water.
God bless, Mrs McElrea and Room 2


Room 2's Super Scientists

On Friday Room 2 became scientists for the day. First we had a go at mixing milk, food colouring and liquid soap together and observed what was happening. The children said that in the end it looked like marbled paper.
Adding the food colouring to the milk.

Next we made lava lamps by combining water (mixed with food colouring), oil and a fizzy tablet. The children made lots of predictions about what they thought was going to happen, drew labelled diagrams and made notes about what they observed as they did the experiment.

The children write down some of their observations.
Sarah-Jane is looking at her lava lamp.

Playing with the foam.
Our last experiment involved
corn flour and shaving foam.
The children had lots of fun
making shapes with their foam.
Room 2 is looking forward
to trying lots more experiments
when we do science again next
God Bless, Mrs McElrea and
Room 2.
More foam fun.


Wednesday 25 March 2015

Visit to Otago Museum

Having a go on the whisper dish.
What an exciting day Room 2 had at the Otago Museum on Tuesday. The children were bursting to know more about space and were very excited to visit star lab. After crawling through a dark tunnel we emerged into the dome where the night sky spread out above us. Kim, our guide, told us all about the stars and planets in our solar system and even told us some stories about the patterns that the stars make in the sky.

Waiting outside Star Lab.
All the children participated in a treasure hunt around the museum, getting to explore all the different galleries. We finished the day by learning about the people of the Pacific and we look forward to learning more about this topic next term. Here are some photographs showing some of the activities we were involved in at the Museum.
Playing musical instruments for the haircutting ceremony.

Participating in the Kava ceremony.
Flynn, after his haircutting ceremony.

God Bless, Mrs McElrea and Room 2.