Friday 27 March 2015



Because Friday was our last day of swimming, here is some photos of the Room 2 children enjoying the water.
God bless, Mrs McElrea and Room 2


Room 2's Super Scientists

On Friday Room 2 became scientists for the day. First we had a go at mixing milk, food colouring and liquid soap together and observed what was happening. The children said that in the end it looked like marbled paper.
Adding the food colouring to the milk.

Next we made lava lamps by combining water (mixed with food colouring), oil and a fizzy tablet. The children made lots of predictions about what they thought was going to happen, drew labelled diagrams and made notes about what they observed as they did the experiment.

The children write down some of their observations.
Sarah-Jane is looking at her lava lamp.

Playing with the foam.
Our last experiment involved
corn flour and shaving foam.
The children had lots of fun
making shapes with their foam.
Room 2 is looking forward
to trying lots more experiments
when we do science again next
God Bless, Mrs McElrea and
Room 2.
More foam fun.


Wednesday 25 March 2015

Visit to Otago Museum

Having a go on the whisper dish.
What an exciting day Room 2 had at the Otago Museum on Tuesday. The children were bursting to know more about space and were very excited to visit star lab. After crawling through a dark tunnel we emerged into the dome where the night sky spread out above us. Kim, our guide, told us all about the stars and planets in our solar system and even told us some stories about the patterns that the stars make in the sky.

Waiting outside Star Lab.
All the children participated in a treasure hunt around the museum, getting to explore all the different galleries. We finished the day by learning about the people of the Pacific and we look forward to learning more about this topic next term. Here are some photographs showing some of the activities we were involved in at the Museum.
Playing musical instruments for the haircutting ceremony.

Participating in the Kava ceremony.
Flynn, after his haircutting ceremony.

God Bless, Mrs McElrea and Room 2.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

My Superhero Power Is.....

Another busy day in Room 2. I wanted to share some of the fantastic writing that the children did today. The topic was - My superhero power is.... and the children then had to display their work as superhero's. Come into Room 2 to have a read of the stories and see what the children have been up to.
God Bless, Mrs McElrea and Room 2
Some of our fantastic writing

Our Solar System display

Monday 9 March 2015

Room 2's Blog 2015

Meet Nemo and Oscar, Room 2's Fish

Welcome back to another busy term. We have started the term off with lots of exciting activities. Room 2 had a visit from Harold in week 1 and we learnt about being a good friend.

The scissor kick.
We have also had athletics training from Rory. We learnt a variety of athletic skills that we were able to apply when we went to Milton Primary school for our combined schools athletics day.

Picasso inspired portrait
To finish I have included some examples of the wonderful art work that Room 2 has been creating, come in to Room 2 to check out the rest.
God Bless, Mrs McElrea and Room 2