Thursday 18 June 2015

A visit from Richard and Gin.
This morning, Room 2 had a special visitor. Richard, Mrs McElrea's husband, brought Gin the new farm dog in to the classroom. Gin is only little, but when she grows up she will help Richard on the farm moving sheep. At the moment though, she just likes playing. We were very excited to meet Gin and she was happy to meet us too. Thank you Richard for bringing Gin in and showing her to us.

Meeting Gin was lots of fun

Gin was happy to get lots of pats.

God bless, Mrs McElrea and Room 2.

Monday 15 June 2015


Well done to all the children from Room 2 and St. Mary's school who participated in the Matariki celebrations in Milton on Sunday. The Kapa Haka group did a wonderful job representing our school.


People of the Pacific.

Flynn is looking at a fan from Samoa
On Friday we had some special visitors come to our school to talk to us about Samoa. We have been studying the People of the Pacific as part of a Social Studies unit. Our visitors talked to us about their home country Samoa and let us look and touch lots of different things that come from Samoa.

As part of our learning about these countries Room 2 has worked on some small projects and displayed these in the hall for the parents to view. I have included some pictures so you can see the wonderful work that Room 2 has been busy creating these last few weeks.
Here is Room 2's Amazing Display!
Our visitors show us how to open a coconut.

Some beautiful fans from Samoa.